Add Your Business

About Your Business

Please answer the questions below, so we may add you to our directory!

"*" indicates required fields

* = required field

Contact Information

This information will not be disclosed publicly and will be used only by the EDC for the purposes of updating listings over time.
Primary Contact Name*

Business Information

This information will help users find and learn about your business.
This description will appear on your business page and is your opportunity to share with users what you do and why your business is special!
Please select the industry that best describes your business*
Users will be able to search for businesses by industry classification, and your responses to this question will be used to categorize your business. You may check multiple categories if you feel strongly that they apply to your business; however, this is not encouraged.
Users will be able to search the directory for specific products or services, so what you include here is very important! You may list as many as you'd like, but I recommend keeping it more general rather than listing specific products. For example, "Video Game Consoles" rather than "PlayStation 5" or "New American Cuisine, Alcoholic Drinks" rather than listing the whole menu. Remember to use commas.
Is your business a Minority-Owned Business (MBE)?*
In order to say "yes," at least 51% of business ownership must identify as an underrepresented minority, which include American Indian or Native American, Black, Asian (including Indian, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islander), Hispanic, or Portuguese. You do not need to be certified by the Massachusetts Supplier Diversity Office (SDO) to check this box. We are asking this question because users will be able to seek out underrepresented businesses.
Is your business a Woman-Owned Business (WBE)?*
In order to say "yes," at least 51% of business ownership must identify as female. You do not need to be certified by the Massachusetts Supplier Diversity Office (SDO) to check this box. We are asking this question because users will be able to seek out underrepresented businesses.
Is your business a Veteran-Owned Business (VBE)?*
In order to say "yes," at least 51% of your business must be owned by one or more veterans, where a "veteran" means a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released there from under conditions other than dishonorable. You do not need to be certified by the Massachusetts Supplier Diversity Office (SDO) to check this box. We are asking this question because users will be able to seek out underrepresented businesses.

Business Address

Help customers find your business! By providing this information, we will include your business on a map of local business and have the address of your storefront/office in your listing.

Customer Contact Information